Umbrella Insurance

Let Us Do The Shopping For You! We Can Save You Time and Money By Shopping Your Umbrella Insurance With Multiple Top Rated New York Insurance Companies!

Call 845-627-2130 To Get the Right New York, Connecticut and New Jersey Umbrella Insurance Protection For You at the Lowest Cost!

When you hear the term “Umbrella policy” you may wonder “What is that and why would I need it?”

Umbrella protection covers expenses that are beyond the limits of your other insurance policies. In other words, if you are ever sued for bodily or personal injury, you will wish you had an umbrella insurance policy. Typically, an umbrella insurance policy will cover all of the following:

Legal fees and expenses

Wooden judges gavel, Umbrella Insurance
Situations when you or a member of your household (including a pet) cause personal injury, bodily injury or property damage to another

If you’re found responsible and receive a judgment that exceeds the limits on your auto insurance and homeowner insurance policy, the umbrella insurance policy limit will be activated

We live in a highly litigious world, and not a day goes by where there is not a story in the newspapers
about a new lawsuit being filed-both for serious and for frivolous reasons.

It’s a good idea to have an umbrella insurance policy if you want to cover assets that may be at risk. If you are involved in a lawsuit and your liability coverage isn’t enough to cover the claim, having an umbrella policy will help protect your home, your car, and anything else (such as future earnings) that someone may go after in trying to collect the judgment.

Now you may think this could never happen to you, but consider the following two scenarios:

You’re involved in, and found at fault in an automobile accident. The person in the other car is injured and is unable to work for an extended period. He decides to sue you for more than the $100,000 policy liability limit on your auto policy.

Your dog unexpectedly bites a guest in the face requiring several rounds of plastic surgery. Infection also develops increasing the medical bills significantly.

Your teenage son’s friend breaks his neck on your trampoline before you get home from work. He’s in traction for many months.

The question is, what will you do if a judgment is leveled against you for an amount that is over your policy limits?

The best answer is… Umbrella Protection to The Rescue!

You might be surprised at how affordable umbrella coverage is for the amount of protection you receive. For example, you might only pay between $80 and $120 per year for another $1 to $1.5 million of limits. That’s definitely in most people’s price range.

Your New York, Connecticut and New Jersey Umbrella Insurance Experts at Cameron Group Insurance will:

Help you determine the amount of coverage you need on an umbrella policy

Help you evaluate whether you can save money by raising liability limits or deductibles

So call us at our Nanuet location. From there we serve the Nanuet, Suffern, Pearl River, New York City, Valley Cottage and Blauvelt communities. We will help guide you in setting up umbrella insurance that will protect you and your loved ones – and at the same time identify any discount you may be eligible to receive.

As a dynamic independent agent, Cameron Group represents over 7 insurance companies. This means we can shop your insurance for you so that you can select the best option for your family.

Call 845-627-2130 For a FREE No Obligation Umbrella Insurance Quote Today or Complete the Form on the Right

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