Declutter Your HomeWhen you are a homeowner, there comes a time when things may seem to pile up and you decide you need to declutter your living space.  Maybe you have lived in your home for many years and accumulated lots of things, or maybe you feel the need to downsize for whatever reason. If you are looking around and recognize the need for freeing up some space, now is the time! Read on to discover essential ways you can declutter your home starting today!

Steps to Start Small and Go Slow

“How do I get started?” is a question you may be asking yourself immediately when you consider cleaning out your home for a move or a down-size. When looking at the big picture, you may feel intimidated and anxious, but if follow some key tips on how to begin, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. Below are some essential guidelines to decluttering your home and mind:

Choose One Location- This could be something as small as a drawer or closet but it could be one room that you feel comfortable about focusing on.  Reducing the big picture to a smaller scale makes it more achievable.

Set Time Limits- Before you dig in to the one area you decide on, set a time limit, and stick to it.  Feeling like you must spend an entire day or weekend can feel stressful, so choose a time constraint that is comfortable and doable and stick to it.

Categorize Items- Before you begin, have boxes or bags on hand to sort and categorize your items as items that you wish to keep, items no longer needed and wish to donate, or items to trash. That way, you have an organized workplace station for all your things.

Designate a Home for Items You Are Keeping- Once you have established which items you are keeping, find a home for them in an organizational method. For example, place all your charging devices/cords in one location so when you need them, you know exactly where to find them.

Have a Family Meeting- Think of the heirlooms in the home and sit down with the family and inquire whether anyone wishes to have it passed down to them.  For example, go through the pictures and any art in the house and establish who wants it.  Consider the china and crystal also.  What you may be saving to pass down may not even be wanted by the family members and could be donated or sold.  Having this conversation sooner than later relieves stress for other family members given an unsuspected passing, sickness, or need for downsizing.

Take Out the Trash- Once you have established which bags are trash, go ahead and get them out of the room and house.  It will not only free up space but will give you a feeling of being productive on the declutter project.

Stick With it- If you are spending the time and energy to declutter room by room, then don’t go back to your old habits of bringing a lot of unnecessary things back into your house.  Before bringing an item in, ask yourself if you really need it and will use it.  If you agree that you will, choose an item or two to get rid of.  This is a way of keeping your newly decluttered living space open and comfortable.

Some Clean Benefits of Decluttering

The act of decluttering allows you more living space along with a cleaner space, not only in your house but in your mind.  Studies have shown that it helps to clear and enhance your overall frame of mind, not to mention reducing stress levels.

Your home is the place where you go to feel peace and comfort. We understand that concept at Cameron Group Insurance and want to ensure you have the right homeowners insurance protection.  If you have any questions or concerns about ways to declutter your house or need assistance regarding your homeowners insurance coverage, give us a call today.  Don’t wait!  Call us at 845-627-2130.