Saving Energy Costs This WinterWinter is officially here and so are dropping temperatures. While temperatures are dropping, you may see your utility costs are rising, but there are ways you can save money while conserving on your energy. Read on to find tips to saving on your energy costs this winter.

Below are 7 Useful Guidelines to Saving Energy Costs, but Not Limited to:

Saving energy costs doesn’t need to be difficult.  It just takes a little time to be mindful of your day-to-day living and take preemptive measures to make a few changes.

Adjust your Thermostat- When you are home during the day, lower the thermostat as low as you can handle. When you are gone, push the thermostat back for even more savings.

Switch Out Your Lightbulbs- Incandescent bulbs are being slowly replaced by more energy efficient lighting such as LED and CFL lighting.  Replacing your incandescent bulbs to LED or CFL can result in significant savings.

Maintain Your Heating System- It is recommended you have a licensed HVAC professional routinely inspect your heating system to detect any malfunctions that could later result in an inefficient heating system.  Also make sure the filter is changed on a routine basis.

Wash Clothes on Cold- Switch the water flow from warm and hot to cold or eco-warm when doing laundry.  Small changes can make a big difference down the road.

Consider Time-of-Use Rates- Some utility companies offer time-of-use rates which means you may be entitled to savings by using your most powered sources of electricity during low times of usage.  Using energy when the energy demand is low can result in savings.

Seal Drafty Windows and Doors- During the cold months, it is recommended you inspect all windows and doors for draftiness.  Seal any windows where air is coming in and install weather stripping around doors to prevent the air from coming inside.

Reduce Your Water Heater Temperature- Try to keep your water heater temperature to around 120 degrees F to save money.

Following these tips can result in energy cost savings this winter, so take a few minutes to inspect your home and take the necessary action to save money.